Adult Dogs
Some dogs make it most of their lives being washed in backyards and on patios and rolling in grass/mud/muck on their way in. Some dogs are all too familiar with the drain-clogging process that is a bathtub bath. They love seeing how much hair they can shake onto your toothbrush. They simply revel in tracking wet dog smell onto carpet, couches, and beds. But you know what? You CAN teach an old dog new tricks! Any dog can learn to love being washed in a big shiny tub, in the air conditioning, with no mess for their owner to clean up. It’s as simple as this: you walk your dog in, you let them sniff around and have some fun, you walk them up our ramps into their tub, and you pamper them! Every dog loves a good rub down, so why not add some amazing smelling shampoo? With your soothing presence and free wash treats galore, your pup will be pulling you to Rosie’s in no time.