Monthly Events

Rosie's patrons have been asking, and Rosie has responded...monthly pup events for all! 

  Stop by Rosie's Barkét for a fabulous pup pawty at the end of every month! Each event is free admission and includes a pup talent show, a store-wide sale, treats for doggies and humans, and more! Each monthly event is themed differently, so keep an eye out on Facebook and Instagram for exact info. 


Please be sure that your pup is friendly before bringing them to a monthly event. Some pups are shy, and some pups love to rough-house, and that's okay! But please be conscientious of the safety of both your pup and everyone else's. We want fun, safe, healthy pup playtimes for everyone. 


Remember pups, you are always more than welcome at Rosie's! These aren't the only time you can come play, they are just meant to be a more structured time for pups to make new friends. Feel free to come and play in the Yard any time we're open!